github dotansimha/graphql-yoga @graphql-yoga/common@0.2.0-alpha.7

latest releases: graphql-yoga@2.0.0-beta.7, @graphql-yoga/node@0.1.0-beta.7, @graphql-yoga/common@0.1.0-beta.7...
pre-release2 years ago

Minor Changes

  • 6750eff: rename GraphQLServerError to GraphQLYogaError.

  • d414f95: BREAKING Set maskedErrors value to true by default for safer defaults.

    BREAKING Remove disableIntrospection. Please use useDisableIntrospection from @envelop/disable-introspection instead.

  • bea2dcc: align envelop types

  • fc1f2c7: make options optional

  • 603ccd8: feat(handler): refactor processRequest by removing the overhead in context build phase

  • e93e62d: BREAKING Move typeDefs and resolvers under the schema option.

    const graphQLServer = createServer({
    + schema:
        typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ `
          type Query {
            hello: String
          type Subscription {
            countdown(from: Int!): Int!
        resolvers: {
          Query: {
            hello: () => 'world',
    + }

    The schema option is now optional and Yoga will use a simple hello world schema if no other schema is provided.

Patch Changes

  • b1facf8: fix(common): bump cross-undici-fetch to fix missing mimetype issue in uploaded files

  • b37564e: Enable introspection options

  • 5d840d9: better naming: replace introspection option name with disableIntrospection

  • a10a16c: Node Server implementation has been moved to @graphql-yoga/node package.

    CLI implementation has been moved to
    graphql-yoga package.

  • Updated dependencies [3e771f5]

  • Updated dependencies [f856b58]

  • Updated dependencies [3e771f5]

  • Updated dependencies [f856b58]

  • Updated dependencies [f856b58]

    • @graphql-yoga/subscription@0.1.0-alpha.1

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