Minor Changes
62e8c07: feat(common/node): ability to expose Node/env specific additional context with the server handlers
now takes a second parameter to add an additional context on the server level like below;someServer.someServerHandlerMethod( (someServerRequest, someServerResponse) => { const yogaResponse = await yogaServer.handleRequest(request, { someServerRequest someServerResponse }) someServer.consumeWhatwgResponse(yogaResponse) }, )
can accept a second parameter to add Node specific stuff to the context besides WHATWGRequest
object;For Fastify:
app.route({ url: '/graphql', method: ['GET', 'POST', 'OPTIONS'], handler: async (req, reply) => { // Here `req` and `reply` objects are added to the GraphQL Context const response = await graphQLServer.handleIncomingMessage(req, { req, reply, }) for (const [name, value] of response.headers) { reply.header(name, value) } reply.status(response.status) const nodeStream = Readable.from(response.body) reply.send(nodeStream) }, })
But in this case to improve type safety, it is recommended to add a generic parameter to
like below:const graphQLServer = createServer<{ req: FastifyRequest reply: FastifyReply }>({ logging: fastifyServer.log, schema: { typeDefs: /* GraphQL */ ` type Query { fooHeader: String } `, resolvers: { Query: { fooHeader: (root, args, context, info) => { // context.req is typed here return context.req.headers.foo }, }, }, }, })
which is used by most of the Node.js servers except Koa and Fastify adds Node's request(IncomingMessage
) and response(ServerResponse
) objects to the context as{ req, res }
automatically without an additional code.