github dosisod/refurb v1.19.0
Version 1.19.0

latest releases: v2.0.0, v1.28.0, v1.27.0...
15 months ago

This release includes 1 new check, fixes typos in the documentation, and adds more utility to the --verbose flag.

Add use-shlex-join check (FURB178)

When using shlex to escape and join a bunch of strings consider using the shlex.join method instead.


args = ["hello", "world!"]

cmd = " ".join(shlex.quote(arg) for arg in args)


args = ["hello", "world!"]

cmd = shlex.join(args)

Add --verbose support to --explain

When the --verbose flag is used with the --explain flag the filename for the check being explained will be displayed.

For example:

$ refurb --explain FURB123 --verbose
Filename: refurb/checks/readability/

FURB123: no-redundant-cast [readability]


This will help developers find the source files for a given check much quicker then before.

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v1.18.0...v1.19.0

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