github dolthub/dolt v1.50.9

3 days ago

Merged PRs



  • 2901: disable_merge_join corner case
    Disable merge join previously could only kick in if other hints were applied. We also want it to work in the absence of hints.
  • 2899: [memo] hash join right-side cardinality can be filtered
    Previously assumed HASH_JOIN would load whole right table into memory. This overestimates the cost, we only read and cache the indexed fraction.
    perf benchmarks: #9007

Closed Issues


Read Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
covering_index_scan 1.89 0.67 0.35
groupby_scan 13.22 17.95 1.36
index_join 1.47 2.43 1.65
index_join_scan 1.44 1.42 0.99
index_scan 34.95 29.72 0.85
oltp_point_select 0.18 0.27 1.5
oltp_read_only 3.49 5.28 1.51
select_random_points 0.34 0.6 1.76
select_random_ranges 0.37 0.62 1.68
table_scan 34.95 31.37 0.9
types_table_scan 75.82 114.72 1.51
reads_mean_multiplier 1.28
Write Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
oltp_delete_insert 8.9 6.21 0.7
oltp_insert 4.1 3.07 0.75
oltp_read_write 8.9 11.45 1.29
oltp_update_index 4.18 3.13 0.75
oltp_update_non_index 4.18 3.07 0.73
oltp_write_only 5.67 6.32 1.11
types_delete_insert 8.43 6.55 0.78
writes_mean_multiplier 0.87
TPC-C TPS Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
tpcc-scale-factor-1 96.85 40.13 2.41
tpcc_tps_multiplier 2.41
Overall Mean Multiple 1.52

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