github dolthub/dolt v1.50.8

latest release: v1.50.9
3 days ago

Merged PRs



  • 2900: Clean up regex.Regex disposal
    Preserves Regex instances when creating new nodes from WithChildren() for RegexpInstr , RegexpLike, and RegexpSubstr instances. Disables panics when detecting a leaked Regex and installs a custom function to log an error.
  • 2899: [memo] hash join right-side cardinality can be filtered
    Previously assumed HASH_JOIN would load whole right table into memory. This overestimates the cost, we only read and cache the indexed fraction.
    perf benchmarks: #9007
  • 2898: [memo] variable to disable merge join
    Use SET @@GLOBAL.disable_merge_join = 1 to prevent join planning from every selecting a merge join. There will always be HASH_JOIN and INNER_JOIN alternatives.

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