github dolthub/dolt v1.42.1

latest releases: v1.43.13, v1.43.12, v1.43.11...
3 months ago

Merged PRs


  • 8128: Bug fix: dolt_reset() should commit the active transaction
    Fixes: #6272
  • 8127: cache table list
    RootValue caches a hash of its table list, which is invalidated when we update the table address list. The hash is used to cache a map of table names in the root value and expedites table retrieval during planbuilder. The cache could be used elsewhere for performance in the future.

Closed Issues

  • 6272: CALL DOLT_RESET('--hard') does not implicitly commit the transaction
  • 8120: CREATE USER allows username over 32 chars, then SELECT throws error
  • 8117: REGEXP isn't collation aware

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