github dolthub/dolt v1.16.2

latest releases: v1.39.2, v1.39.1, v1.39.0...
8 months ago

Merged PRs


  • 6688: Retain display width for TINYINT(1)
    MySQL allows integer fields to specify a display width (e.g. TINYINT(1)). Dolt currently parses that information, but doesn't retain it anywhere. This PR changes that behavior to match MySQL and retain the display width setting so that it can be passed back to callers.
    As of MySQL 8.1.0, the display width setting is ONLY retained for signed TINYINT fields and ONLY when the display width is set to 1.
    Fixes: #6682
    GMS PR: dolthub/go-mysql-server#2017


  • 2018: Avoid corrupting the privileges file
  • 2017: Retaining display width for TINYINT(1)
    MySQL allows integer fields to specify a display width (e.g. TINYINT(1)). go-mysql-server currently parses that information, but doesn't retain it anywhere. This PR changes that behavior to match MySQL and retain the display width setting so that it can be passed back to callers.
    As of MySQL 8.1.0, the display width setting is ONLY retained for signed TINYINT fields and ONLY when the display width is set to 1.
    Fixes: #6682
    Corresponding Dolt PR: #6688
  • 2016: Bug fix: Preserve column name case for views
    Fixes #6683
    Dolt CI Checks: #6684
  • 2005: implement INTERSECT and EXCEPT clause
    This PR implements two MySQL functions, INTERSECT and EXCEPT.
    They are similar to UNION in that they combine to two sets of rows.
    INTERSECT is the set of rows that are in both left and right.
    EXCEPT is the set of rows that are in the left that are not in the right.
    Additionally, there is a bug with field indexes with ORDER BY over unions.
    companion pr: dolthub/vitess#271
    fixes #6643
  • 2003: Delete fixidx package
    remove remnants of old field indexing code


  • 275: Adding parser support for VISIBLE and INVISIBLE modifiers for indexes
    Fixes: #6690
  • 274: Allow CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE to accept hexnum and float values when integers are expected.
    Fixes #6644 and #6648
    MySQL is permissive in what it expects for DDL statement parameters: in many places where ints are expected, the parser will also accept a hex number (and convert) or a float number (and truncate.)
    None of these values are currently used by GMS, so we don't need to add any additional processing logic. But the parser needs to accept them when they appear.
  • 272: Set character set IDs to current MySQL version
    The character set values were set for MySQL 5.0, so they've been updated to the correct values for 8.0.
  • 271: parsing intersect and except
    This PR adds support for parsing the keywords INTERSECT and EXCEPT.
    These work similar to UNION and work with DISTINCT and ALL keywords.
    Additionally, there are new precedence tests; INTERSECT has a higher precedence than UNION and EXCEPT.
    The rest are parsed left to right.
    syntax for #6643

Closed Issues

  • 6644: Cast floating point values for statement parameters that expect int
  • 6643: Implement EXCEPT and INTERSECT
  • 6683: Selecting from a view shows column names as all lowercase


Read Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
covering_index_scan 2.07 2.86 1.4
groupby_scan 12.98 17.95 1.4
index_join 1.27 4.74 3.7
index_join_scan 1.21 2.22 1.8
index_scan 33.12 58.92 1.8
oltp_point_select 0.14 0.4 2.9
oltp_read_only 2.66 7.17 2.7
select_random_points 0.31 0.72 2.3
select_random_ranges 0.37 0.95 2.6
table_scan 33.12 57.87 1.7
types_table_scan 75.82 167.44 2.2
reads_mean_multiplier 2.2
Write Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
bulk_insert 0.001 0.001 1.0
oltp_delete_insert 5.47 5.67 1.0
oltp_insert 2.52 3.02 1.2
oltp_read_write 6.09 14.21 2.3
oltp_update_index 2.52 3.02 1.2
oltp_update_non_index 2.66 2.91 1.1
oltp_write_only 3.62 7.17 2.0
types_delete_insert 5.47 6.21 1.1
writes_mean_multiplier 1.4
Overall Mean Multiple 1.9

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