github dolthub/dolt v0.51.4

latest releases: v1.35.11, v1.35.10, binlog-alpha-1...
17 months ago

Merged PRs


  • 4820: go/doltcore/migrate: added --drop-conflicts flag to migration, check …
    …for migrated databases
    fix for #4790
  • 4815: dolt init fails with invalid arguments
  • 4784: Fix a panic that occurs when grpc stream Recv() method returns an err…
    …or before stream is closed
    Stack trace from dolthubapi-asyncworker:
    2022-11-11T20:01:12.919Z	ERROR	process/process.go:273	finished unary call with code Unknown	{"grpc.start_time": "2022-11-11T20:01:12Z", "grpc.request.deadline": "2022-11-11T20:11:12Z", "system": "grpc", "span.kind": "server", "grpc.service": "", "grpc.method": "ProcessMergeCommit", "request_id": "b947de69-f3d8-4b05-8d09-38cb2c11c326", "invocation_id": "01d9a1a2-0cc3-4619-b919-42a666a257d0", "error": "pq: duplicate key value violates unique constraint \"scoreboard_build_shards_pkey\"", "grpc.code": "Unknown", "grpc.time_ms": 102.431}
    2022-11-11T20:01:12.920Z	INFO	request_logging/request_logging.go:21	beginning unary call	{"grpc.start_time": "2022-11-11T20:01:12Z", "grpc.request.deadline": "2022-11-11T20:01:13Z", "system": "grpc", "span.kind": "server", "grpc.service": "", "grpc.method": "Check", "invocation_id": "a149d64f-e063-4f7b-ae40-a304bf86f50e"}
    2022-11-11T20:01:12.920Z	INFO	process/process.go:273	finished unary call with code OK	{"grpc.start_time": "2022-11-11T20:01:12Z", "grpc.request.deadline": "2022-11-11T20:01:13Z", "system": "grpc", "span.kind": "server", "grpc.service": "", "grpc.method": "Check", "invocation_id": "a149d64f-e063-4f7b-ae40-a304bf86f50e", "grpc.code": "OK", "grpc.time_ms": 0.124}
    2022-11-11T20:01:12.922Z	INFO	zap/grpclogger.go:73	[transport]transport: returning. connection error: desc = "transport is closing"	{"system": "grpc", "grpc_log": true}
    panic: runtime error: index out of range [1] with length 1
    goroutine 2252120 [running]:*DoltChunkStore).getDLLocs.func2.2.2()
    external/com_github_dolthub_dolt_go/libraries/doltcore/remotestorage/chunk_store.go:603 +0x269*Group).Go.func1()
    external/org_golang_x_sync/errgroup/errgroup.go:75 +0x64
    created by*Group).Go
    external/org_golang_x_sync/errgroup/errgroup.go:72 +0xa5
  • 4382: Add dolt schema update-tag
    Adds dolt schema update-tag. In cases where merge is throwing a schema tag conflict such as in #3963, it may be useful to manually update the tags.


  • 1414: limit arithmetic literals are all ints but different types
    for query with ... limit 0, 200 in TopN plan, arithmetic was returning decimal type because 200 was handled asuint8 and 0 was int8 types, so if the both the values are any non-matching int type, the values are converted to int64 for + and - operations.


  • 201: adding parser support for prepared, execute, and deallocate
    supporting syntax for: #4452
  • 199: Added ALTER DATABASE parsing
    Adds support for parsing ALTER DATABASE queries.

Closed Issues

  • 4476: Dolt produces diff when no cells have visibly changed
  • 4827: Errors from sql-server
  • 4682: HashLookup on byte slice causes panic
  • 4557: Inserting bulk records is too slow
  • 4771: dolt init doesn't fail when a non-option argument is provided


Read Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
covering_index_scan 1.93 2.66 1.4
groupby_scan 12.3 16.71 1.4
index_join 1.16 4.57 3.9
index_join_scan 1.12 3.82 3.4
index_scan 30.26 52.89 1.7
oltp_point_select 0.15 0.46 3.1
oltp_read_only 2.86 8.58 3.0
select_random_points 0.3 0.75 2.5
select_random_ranges 0.35 1.12 3.2
table_scan 30.81 62.19 2.0
types_table_scan 70.55 186.54 2.6
reads_mean_multiplier 2.6
Write Tests MySQL Dolt Multiple
bulk_insert 0.001 0.001 1.0
oltp_delete_insert 2.91 10.46 3.6
oltp_insert 1.55 2.66 1.7
oltp_read_write 5.0 16.41 3.3
oltp_update_index 1.47 4.74 3.2
oltp_update_non_index 1.44 5.0 3.5
oltp_write_only 2.22 7.84 3.5
types_delete_insert 3.19 14.46 4.5
writes_mean_multiplier 3.0
Overall Mean Multiple 2.8

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