github dolthub/dolt v0.40.4

latest releases: v1.43.13, v1.43.12, v1.43.11...
2 years ago

Merged PRs


  • 3454: Fixed panic when dropping a database with active branches in use
  • 3441: go/libraries/doltcore/sqle/dfunctions: dolt_backup.go: Implement dolt_backup("sync", ...).


  • 1022: Rewrite table for drop column
  • 1021: Allow SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE for external procedures + display a fake CREATE PROCEDURE
    A note regarding the fake CREATE PROCEDURE. It seems that Java's JDBC checks that the procedure creation statement is a valid statement, regardless of whether the statement remotely matches that of a stored procedure. So rather than returning a random statement, we return a "valid" CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
    Fixes #3428 and #3424
  • 1020: example memory.NewTable add "PrimaryKey:true" flag.
    example memory.NewTable add "PrimaryKey:true" flag.

Closed Issues

  • 3420: Dolt log panics under concurrency
  • 3435: Server error while inserting records and querying dolt_log in parallel
  • 3424: Dolt Stored Procedures don't work with CALL functionality in some connectors

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