github dolthub/dolt v0.37.9

latest releases: v1.41.1, v1.41.0, v1.40.3...
2 years ago

Merged PRs


  • 3128: GMS bump for transform refactor
  • 3121: Adding tests to validate as of support for describe table.
    Enables Dolt to support describe table as of <commit> or show columns from table as of <commit>.
    Depends on:


  • 930: Editing test data to work around failures with new Dolt storage format
    Without changing the test data, the new Dolt storage format doesn't recognize that there is any change and it errors out with "nothing to commit" during testdata setup.
    Editing the test data allows the testdata setup to complete successfully on the old Dolt storage format and on the new Dolt storage format. TestVersionedQueries is now configured to be skipped on the new Dolt storage format.
  • 928: Updating versioned query tests based on behavior differences in Dolt harness
    When running the versioned query tests with Dolt harness there are two behavior differences that cause these tests to fail. To fix those, we need to:
    1. explicitly delete old table data and
    2. temporarily remove non-existent version test since Dolt reports a no branch error, while Memory reports a no table error.
  • 927: Prevent Creation of Unique Keys
    Small fix for preventing the creation of FULLTEXT keys as well.
    TODO: There should also be a change in Dolt to prevent altering and modifying columns to use FULLTEXT keys
  • 926: Have VIEWS show up in information_schema.columns
    Fix for: #3109
    VIEWS now show up, but the our current implementation of ViewDefinition makes it difficult to match MySQL capabilities.
  • 924: InsertInto Bindvars
    InsertInto is special in that [Source] is not a child sql.Node,
    so [Source] needs to be traversed separately to touch every expression
    in a DFS search.
    This fixes a bug in that DFS search missing the non-Source node
  • 923: Adding support for an as of expression in show columns from table
    Passing through as of expression in show columns statements.
    Depends on Vitess support in: dolthub/vitess#150
  • 920: handle more time formats
    fix for #3102
  • 918: Multi Alter Add/Drop Columns
    This pr does the following
    1. Modifies Add/Drop/Rename/Modify columns to pull the relevant table fresh from the database
    2. Adds error checks in validate_create_table to make sure that invalid columns are detected at analyze time
      This pr does not:
    3. Address multi-alter ddls and edge cases with default values. I found a ton of small errors while working through edge cases here that I think there is a good amount of work separate from the immediate multi-alter ddl needs. This pr is enough to get us unblocked on panics that used occur when mass add/drop pairs were created.
  • 914: Adding Geometry type
    Adds geometry type for GMS side.
    Includes case for geometry type for functions:
    • st_swaxy
    • st_srid
    • st_dimension
    • st_aswkt
    • st_aswkb
  • 913: Apply IndexJoins with CrossJoin children
  • 867: TransformUp is now sensitive to tree modifications
    TransformUp and related node/expression DFS helper functions expect the
    visit functions to return an additional boolean parameter indicating
    whether the visit changed the node:
    type TransformNodeFunc func(Node) (Node, bool, error)
    type TransformExprFunc func(Expression) (Expression, bool, error)
    type Transformer func(TransformContext) (sql.Node, bool, error)
    TransformUp's implementation uses the modification information to avoid
    re-creating a node with identical children:
    BenchmarkTransformOld-12          	  396544	      2782 ns/op	    3000 B/op	      51 allocs/op
    BenchmarkTransformOldNoEdit-12    	  407797	      2731 ns/op	    2936 B/op	      50 allocs/op
    BenchmarkTransformNew-12          	 4584258	       254.1 ns/op	      96 B/op	       5 allocs/op
    BenchmarkTransformNewNoEdit-12       	 4782098	       237.8 ns/op	      96 B/op	       5 allocs/op
    We use plan.InspectUp when possible, and then plan.TransformUp
    where possible, resorting to the more expensive plan.TransformUpCtx
    and plan.TransformUpCtxSchema only when necessary.


  • 150: Parser support for describe table as of and show columns from table as of
    Adding parser support for describe <table> as of <asof> and show columns from <table> as of <asof>
  • 144: Fix of View, Trigger, Procedure position params when used in MySQL special comments

Closed Issues

  • 3135: dolt dump fails on first table
  • 3047: Triggers are not displayed on TablePlus after it was added
  • 3109: information_schema.columns table should have column info from views
  • 2587: There can be only one auto_increment column and it must be defined as a key
  • 3079: DROP PROCEDURE statement not supported with database specified in the query
  • 916: RightIndexedJoin commutativity correctness

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