github dolthub/dolt v0.28.2

latest releases: v1.40.2, v1.40.1, v1.40.0...
2 years ago

Merged PRs


  • 2086: go/go.mod,integration-tests/mysql-client-tests: Bump go-mysql-server to pick up fix for prepared statement writes resultset metadata.
  • 2078: Better case handling for system tables
  • 2077: Fixed sql-client requiring repository
  • 2075: go/cmd/dolt: Handle SIGINT, SIGTERM with a context cancel.
    Also install a handler for sql-server so that the server gets stopped cleanly
    when we receive SIGINT or SIGTERM.
  • 2074: Auto Increment Values should reset for a table after its been dropped
    This table fixes a bug where a table is dropped and then readded but its next auto increment value didn't reset.
  • 2072: go/cmd/dolt: commands/sqlserver: Add configuration settings for tls_key, tls_cert and require_secure_transport.
  • 2071: Removed case sensitivity for Dolt system tables
  • 2067: Addresses different types of panics with remotes/fetches Issue: #2048
    This pr addresses three issues with fetching remotes.
    1. A panic with fetching a remote in the form "remotes/.." that is invalid
    2. A panic when an added remote that is then fetched is invalid
    3. A lack of error when fetching an invalid remote
  • 2065: Print table deltas in a consistent order (currently hash order)
  • 2064: Performance improvements for code paths which create empty tuples
  • 2045: Implement --author for dolt revert and DOLT_REVERT()


  • 537: server/handler.go: Have ComPrepare correctly return null result schema metadata for write statements.
    This fixes our server's interaction with clients which expect the result
    metadata for a write statement to be NULL. One such client is RMariaDB. See:
  • 536: Better configurable logging support.
  • 535: Added function to parse column type strings to SQL types.
  • 532: Implement the CONVERT_TZ() SQL function.

Closed Issues

  • 2084: Data doesn't transfer to Dolt from R using the RMariaDB client
  • 2048: Dolt fetch on unknown remote formatted with remotes/ panics
  • 2052: client version mismatch with aws remote
  • 1373: Dolt system tables are case sensitive
  • 2042: dolt_revert() SQL function needs --author option

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