github doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi 2.4.8
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.4.8

latest releases: 2.5.2, 2.5.1, 2.5.0...
one month ago
  • Added support for mining PROGPOW algorithms on INTEL GPU's [kawpow, firopow, progpow_epic, progpow_zano]*

  • Added support for GPU mining algorithm 'aurum' on AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL GPU's

  • Added support for dual mining ETHASHB3/SHA512_256D_RADIANT on INTEL ARC GPU's

  • Added support for algorithm 'heavyhash' on AMD VEGA GPU's on Linux (ROCM)

  • Performance improvement on PROGPOW algorithms on AMD/NVIDIA GPU's

  • Performance improvement on algorithm 'aurum' for CPU's

  • Returned support for mining algorithm 'cryptonight_ccx' on CPU and AMD GPU's [UltraNote Infinity coin]

  • Setting any cclock or mclock OC parameter's value to 0 will now reset the value of core clock / memory clock to the default value


  • Fixed a bug with 'autolykos2' that could cause bad dataset creation (invalid shares)

  • Fixed a bug with nonce distribution for algorithm 'randomepic' on EpicMine pool

  • Removed parameters and functionality for : '--gpu-buffer-mode', '--gpu-disable-auto-buffer', '--max-difficulty', '--start-block-height', '--gpu-autolykos2-preload', '--multi-algorithm-job-mode', '--gpu-auto-tune', '--gpu-ethash-mode'

  • Linux releases will be packed with tar.gz from now on [not tar.xz as before]

  • GPU auto tune feature (former --gpu-auto-tune parameter) is now enabled by default for every algorithm. Manual override is possible with '--gpu-intensity' parameter.
  • Miner will auto-detect if '--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3' is needed (currently algorithms : randomepic, progpow_epic), so the functionality of algorithm switching is preserved, and no user action is needed anymore.
  • On INTEL GPU's there can be issues with PROGPOW algorithms (invalid shares) if the coins DAG size is bigger than 4GB. This will be fixed when Intel decides to fix it in their driver.

Custom miner for Hiveos

To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :

After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )

mmpOS update script to v2.4.8:

cd /tmp && wget && tar -xzvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-4-8-Linux.tar.gz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-4-8 && agent-stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /opt/mmp/miners/sbrminer/ && agent-start

HiveOS update script from v2.4.7 to v2.4.8:

cd /tmp && wget && tar -xzvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-4-8-Linux.tar.gz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-4-8 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.4.7 && miner start

Archive MD5 hashes

aca494c430d5a59790acab2066d37242 *
6596bffe33d8b8065f541d29eb7eae7f *SRBMiner-Multi-2-4-8-Linux.tar.gz

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