github doktor83/SRBMiner-Multi 2.1.0
SRBMiner-MULTI v2.1.0

latest releases: 2.5.7, 2.5.6, 2.5.5...
17 months ago

30e5aeba98659afdc1b560ae7009d380 *
b3bfc5b46fb8b80a17ec263518498fb2 *SRBMiner-Multi-2-1-0-Linux.tar.xz

  • Added support for INTEL Alchemist architecture (INTEL ARC 300/500/700)

  • ZIL is now mineable in any single/dual algorithm combination [triple mining]*

  • Added ZIL parameters '--zil-enable', '--zil-pool', '--zil-wallet', '--zil-password', '--zil-esm', '--zil-epoch', '--zil-oc-script'

  • Added ZIL OC parameters '--zil-cclock', '--zil-mclock', '--zil-coffset', '--zil-moffset', '--zil-plimit'

  • Added auto buffer mode for ZIL mining*

  • Added parameters '--disable-gpu-intel', '--gpu-disable-auto-buffer'

  • Added OC parameters '--gpu-cclock1', '--gpu-mclock1', '--gpu-coffset1', '--gpu-moffset1', '--gpu-plimit1'

  • Removed parameters '--gpu-ethash-dag-cache', '--a0-is-zil'

  • Renamed parameters '--a0-start-script' to '--a0-oc-script' , '--a1-start-script' to '--a1-oc-script', '--start-script-delay' to '--oc-delay'

  • Added '--esm 2' which indicates that 'EthereumStratum/1.0.0' + nicehash mode is used for communication with the pool*

  • Allowed separator ',' (comma) which can be used as an alternative for the current '!' separator in all parameters except in '--password'

  • Added custom miner version for Hiveos so you can run 2 SRBMiner instances on the same rig*

  • Minor bug fixes

This is the first release that supports INTEL Alchemist GPU's, so please report any bug/s you find in the discord support channel.

Algorithms currently supported on INTEL Alchemist GPU's [more algorithms soon]:

  • kaspa
  • sha512_256d_radiant
  • sha256dt
  • blake3_alephium
  • heavyhash

No readings from sensors yet (clocks, temp, etc.)

ZIL mining parameters


Every parameter except '--zil-enable' and '--zil-epoch' can have multiple values separated with ! (or now also ,)
You can define multiple ZIL pools, with different wallets for example.

'--zil-epoch' parameter isn't needed now, but it can be used in the future if Zilliqa decides to change the work epoch from 0.

GPU OC parameters [NVIDIA ONLY]

First algorithm [A0]:


Second algorithm [A1]:




OC parameters are used to set GPU clocks, offsets, etc..
SRBMiner supports algo switching (--multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 and ZIL), so these parameters can be used to change GPU's OC on every algo change!

For example if you mine ETC+ZIL, miner will set OC for ETC on miner start from --gpu-...0 parameters.
When ZIL window opens, miner will apply the OC settings you defined with --zil-.. parameters.
When ZIL window closes, miner will apply OC settings you defined with --gpu-...0 parameters again.

--zil-oc-script :
Path to an executable script (.sh or .bat) which can call external tools to set GPU OC parameters right before switching to ZIL mining.
When ZIL mining period is finished, --a0-oc-script will be called (if user set it) before switching back to main algorithm mining.

--oc-delay can be used to define a delay (in seconds) after the OC settings were applied. Default value is 3 sec.

New functionality : auto switch on some algos to '--gpu-buffer-mode 1' on GPU's that probably wont have enough VRAM for ZIL dag and the main algo memory requirements.
Works only if the auto tune parameter is NOT used.
To disable this functionality use : '--gpu-disable-auto-buffer' parameter.
If you did not disable auto buffer mode, but miner crashes on algorithm switching (probably because of the mentioned reason - not enough VRAM), just add manually the --gpu-buffer-mode 1 parameter

Examples on how to set up ZIL mining in different combinations:

TIP : if your GPU doesn't have enough memory to hold the buffers of every algorithm you use, try adding '--gpu-buffer-mode 1' parameter

  1. Mine ETHW+ZIL on :
    --algorithm ethash --pool --wallet ETHW-WALLET.ZIL-WALLET

  2. Mine RADIANT+ZIL, RADIANT on, ZIL on :
    --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant --pool --wallet RADIANT-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2

  3. Mine ERGO+NOVO+ZIL, ERGO on, NOVO on, ZIL on :
    --algorithm autolykos2 --pool --wallet ERGO-WALLET --algorithm sha256dt --pool --wallet NOVO-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2

  4. Mine EPIC+KASPA+ZIL, EPIC on, KASPA on, ZIL on :
    --algorithm progpow_epic --pool --wallet 51POOL-USERNAME --algorithm kaspa --pool --wallet KASPA-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2 --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3

Now comes the fun part. Adding GPU OC parameters. For simplicity the example will have 2 GPU's (id's 0 and 1) that use different OC settings.

  1. Mine RADIANT+ZIL, RADIANT on, ZIL on :
    --algorithm sha512_256d_radiant --pool --wallet RADIANT-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2 --gpu-id 0!1 --gpu-cclock0 1600!1800 --gpu-mclock0 810!810 --zil-cclock 1200!1300 --zil-mclock 5001!8000

  2. Mine EPIC+KASPA+ZIL, EPIC on, KASPA on, ZIL on :
    --algorithm progpow_epic --pool --wallet 51POOL-USERNAME --algorithm kaspa --pool --wallet KASPA-WALLET --zil-enable --zil-pool --zil-wallet ZIL-WALLET --zil-esm 2 --multi-algorithm-job-mode 3 --gpu-id 0!1 --gpu-cclock0 1200!1300 --gpu-mclock0 5001!8000 --gpu-cclock1 1700!1800 --gpu-mclock1 810!810 --zil-cclock 1200!1300 --zil-mclock 5001!8000

--esm values :
0 - getwork/ETHPROXY
1 - EthereumStratum/1.0.0
2 - EthereumStratum/1.0.0 + nicehash mode

Custom miner for Hiveos

To use it you need to select “Custom miner” when you create Flight Sheet and paste this into 'Installation url' :

After that you must set everything manually through the 'Extra config arguments' field by using SRBMiner parameters ( )

HiveOS update script from v2.0.2 to v2.1.0:

cd /tmp && wget && tar -xvf SRBMiner-Multi-2-1-0-Linux.tar.xz && cd SRBMiner-Multi-2-1-0 && miner stop && cp SRBMiner-MULTI /hive/miners/srbminer/2.0.2 && miner start

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