730ac60ec809a7d83bc6c2fdf026db3e *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-2-win64.zip
c93d5b335a333d67896eb5580bd17d58 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-9-2-Linux.tar.xz
- Added algorithm 'dynamo' (DYNAMO - Dynamo coin) for GPU mining
- Algorithm 'dynamo' supports only 'pool' mode (yiimp stratum compatibility removed)
- Lowered devfee for 'dynamo' algorithm to 1% (CPU/GPU)
- Added parameters '--gpu-progpow-safe' and '--gpu-dynamo-experimental'
Some drivers can create invalid programs for some periods on 'progpow' algorithms (you will notice by getting all rejected shares).
In that case try using '--gpu-progpow-safe' parameter
Dynamo uses algorithms which change on predefined block heights.
Using '--gpu-dynamo-experimental' parameter can make some of these algorithms hash faster, while on others it can decrease hashrate.
If you experience driver crashes with auto setup, try setting a lower intensity value manually ( --gpu-intensity parameter )
Only known public pool that uses 'pool' mode at the moment is : pool1.dynamocoin.org:4567