f55401e18f08c61b6a2f5e94d81c5783 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-7-7-win64.zip
07f8bcf62e5d1f26c63d9716de902ce3 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-7-7-Linux.tar.xz
- Added algorithm 'lyra2v2_webchain' (MINTME - MintMe.com coin) for CPU/GPU mining, fee 2%
- Added algorithm 'ghostrider' (RTM - Raptoreum) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'cryptonight_turtle' for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'randomyada' (YDA - Yada coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Added algorithm 'yespowerarwn' (ARWN - Arowana coin) for CPU mining, fee 0.85%
- Better auto setup for 'yespower' algorithms
- Removed devfee for 'cryptonight_cache' algorithm
- DevFee for 'heavyhash' algorithm lowered to 1%
To find the best settings for your CPU on 'ghostrider' algorithm you should play with: