319e6b2e8546b3c994095673f564376a *SRBMiner-Multi-0-5-0-win64.zip
b83b370f651b77baf8557b10bfca3987 *SRBMiner-Multi-0-5-0-Linux.tar.xz
- Now supporting real MULTI ALGORITHM mining, you can mine up to 4 algorithms at the same time
- Changed API and WEB stats to be compatible with the new multi algorithm mining functionality
- Added GPU auto tune functionality
- A lot of changes in configuration parameters and the way you define them (check Help folder)
- Updated algorithm 'defyx' to 'panthera'
- Updated algorithm 'tellor' to work on tellorpool.org, and removed devfee
- Added algorithm 'cryptonight_ccx'
- Added algorithm 'cryptonight_xhv'
- Added algorithm 'cryptonight_gpu'
- Added algorithm 'cryptonight_upx'
- Added algorithm 'cryptonight_heavyx'
- Added algorithm 'verushash'
- Added new parameters '--gpu-auto-tune', '--multi-algorithm-job-mode', '--cpu-threads-intensity', '--gpu-auto-intensity', '--gpu-cn-mode'
- Parameter '--gpu-ethash-mode' now has a new mode : 3
- A lot of bug fixes
You definitely need to check out HELP and EXAMPLES folders because a lot of things changed from previous version!