- Feat: Detect K8s version (139 by stepanstipl)
- feat: Add support for custom resources (111 by stepanstipl)
- feat: Build arm for linux and darwin (144 by david-doit-intl)
- feat: Configurable log level (127 by david-doit-intl)
- chore: Make UPX go faster (143 by david-doit-intl)
- ci: Correct reference to non-existing build artifact (148 by stepanstipl)
- dep: Docker bump golang from 1.16.2-alpine3.12 to 1.16.4-alpine3.12 (141 by dependabot)
- dep: Go bump github.com/open-policy-agent/opa from 0.27.1 to 0.28.0 (138 by dependabot)
- ref: Printer Updates (134 by david-doit-intl)