github doitintl/kube-no-trouble nightly-0.3.2-80-g9f6f733



  • fix: Make manifest order read by file collector stable (43 by stepanstipl)


  • build: Add changelog generation plumbing (69 by stepanstipl)
  • build: Add check for commit message format (56 by stepanstipl)
  • build: Allow hyphens in tags - for nightly (79 by stepanstipl)
  • build: Enable Dependabot (54 by stepanstipl)
  • chore: Removing whitespace at the end of the ruleset 1.16 msg (72 by manute)
  • ci: Add pre-commit checks (53 by david-doit-intl)
  • ci: Create Nightly releases (70 by stepanstipl)
  • ci: Make Dependabot commit messages capitalized (62 by stepanstipl)
  • ci: Only consider x.y.z releases for builiding nightly tags (80 by stepanstipl)
  • ci: Prevent runs if nightly tag exists (81 by stepanstipl)
  • dep: Docker bump golang from 1.15.3-alpine3.12 to 1.15.4-alpine3.12 (68 by dependabot)
  • dep: Docker bump golang from 1.15.4-alpine3.12 to 1.15.5-alpine3.12 (71 by dependabot)
  • dep: Docker bump golang from 1.15.5-alpine3.12 to 1.15.6-alpine3.12 (73 by dependabot)
  • dep: Docker bump golang from 1.15.6-alpine3.12 to 1.15.7-alpine3.12 (91 by dependabot)
  • dep: Go bump from 0.18.0 to 0.24.0 (63 by dependabot)
  • dep: Go bump from 0.24.0 to 0.25.2 (77 by dependabot)
  • dep: Go bump from 0.25.2 to 0.26.0 (93 by dependabot)
  • dep: Go bump to v3.1.3 (66 by stepanstipl)
  • dep: Go bump and to v0.17.13 (64 by stepanstipl)
  • dep: Update Golang to v1.15 (50 by david-doit-intl)
  • dep: Update autorest and solve ambiguous import isue (55 by stepanstipl)
  • dep: bump from 1.18.0 to 1.20.0 (60 by dependabot)
  • dep: bump from 2.16.5+incompatible to 2.17.0+incompatible (61 by dependabot)
  • docs: Add CI use section (47 by stepanstipl)
  • feat: Add deprecation rules (coordination, authentication, authorization) in 1.22 ruleset (92 by dja-fr)
  • fix: Default the Helm manifest namespace to the release namespace (95 by meringu)

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