github doczjs/docz v0.12.15

latest releases: v2.4.0, v2.3.3-alpha.0, v2.3.2-alpha.0...
5 years ago


🐞  Bug Fixes

  • babel class plugin update (236331a)
  • docz-core: add setMaxListener in the top of script (2eef307)
  • docz-core: update react-hot-loader to support hooks (4394a5b)

🚀  Features

  • add native support for react-native (f998874)

⚠️  Docz now support React Native nativelly

Since this new release, now docz support react-native nativelly. So, the docz-plugin-react-native isn't necessary and is deprecated.

You can see how use react-native support on docz in the example folder.

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