github doctrine-extensions/DoctrineExtensions 3.5.0

latest releases: v3.16.1, v3.16.0, v3.15.0...
2 years ago


  • SoftDeleteable: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • Blameable: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • IpTraceable: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • Sortable: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • Sluggable: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • Uploadable: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • Tree: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • References: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • ReferenceIntegrity: Support to use annotations as attributes on PHP >= 8.0.
  • SoftDeleteable: Support for custom column types (like Carbon).
  • Timestampable: Support for custom column types (like Carbon).
  • Translatable: Added an index to Translation entity to speed up searches using
    Gedmo\Translatable\Entity\Repository\TranslationRepository::findTranslations() method.
  • Gedmo\Mapping\Event\AdapterInterface::getObject() method.


  • Blameable, IpTraceable, Timestampable: Type handling for the tracked field values configured in the origin field.
  • Loggable: Using only PHP 8 attributes.
  • References: Avoid deprecations using LazyCollection with PHP 8.1
  • Tree: Association mapping problems using Closure tree strategy (by manually defining mapping on the closure entity).
  • Wrong PHPDoc type declarations.
  • Avoid calling deprecated AbstractClassMetadataFactory::getCacheDriver() method.
  • Avoid deprecations using doctrine/mongodb-odm >= 2.2
  • Translatable: Gedmo\Translatable\Document\Repository\TranslationRepository::findObjectByTranslatedField()
    method accessing a non-existing key.


  • Tree: When using Closure tree strategy, it is deprecated not defining the mapping associations of the closure entity.
  • Gedmo\Tool\Logging\DBAL\QueryAnalizer class without replacement.
  • Using YAML mapping is deprecated, you SHOULD migrate to attributes, annotations or XML.
  • Gedmo\Mapping\Event\AdapterInterface::__call() method.
  • Gedmo\Tool\Wrapper\AbstractWrapper::clear() method.
  • Gedmo\Tool\Wrapper\WrapperInterface::populate() method.


  • In order to use a custom cache for storing configuration of an extension, the user has to call setCacheItemPool()
    on the extension listener passing an instance of Psr\Cache\CacheItemPoolInterface.

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