github dnanexus/dxCompiler 2.11.1
dxCompiler 2.11.1

latest releases: 2.11.6, 2.11.5, 2.11.4...
13 months ago
  • dxda version update to v0.6.0 to address occasional filesystem errors seen in DNAnexus jobs.
  • Fixes for the -pretty flag in the describe command.
  • WDL: fix for the tasks wrapped in a frag with optional inputs. Those inputs get forcibly evaluated to explicit null
    and cause inconsistencies with applet inputs. This is fixed and all implicit null (None) values of optionals are remaining implicit.
  • Updated dxfuse to v1.1.1

Dependency updates

wdlTools 0.17.16

  • New value type V_ForcedNull is used to avoid an addition of an explicit null input to an Optional value. Previously,
    if a task was wrapped in a frag - in some cases Optionals without a value were forced to be an explicit null. This version
    fixes such behavior.
  • Draft-2 parser. Previous behavior: if version is not declared, it is assumed to be draft-2, which has no formal
    input definitions for tasks and workflows. However, if a user forgets to declare the version while working on workflow
    of a version greater than draft-2 with formal definition of input, the parser fails to follow the syntax and throws
    the errors not related to the version or the formatting of the input section. Here this behavior is fixed: if version
    is not detected and draft-2 is assumed, we check if the input section is defined and throw an exception in this case.

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