github dmlc/dgl 0.8.0

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2 years ago

v0.8.0 is a major release with many new features, system improvement and fixes. Read the blog for the highlighted features.

Major features

Mini-batch Sampling Pipeline Update

Enabled CUDA UVA-based optimization and feature prefetching for all built-in graph samplers (up to 4x speedup compared to v0.7). Users can now specify the features to prefetch and turn on UVA optimization in dgl.dataloading.Sampler and dgl.dataloading.DataLoader.

g = ...                             # some DGLGraph data
train_nids = ...                    # training node IDs
sampler = dgl.dataloading.MultiLayerNeighborSampler(
    fanout=[10, 15],
    prefetch_node_feats=['feat'],   # prefetch node feature 'feat'
    prefetch_labels=['label'],      # prefetch node label 'label'
dataloader = dgl.dataloading.DataLoader(
    g, train_nids, sampler,
    device='cuda:0',     # perform sampling on GPU 0
    use_uva=True         # turn on UVA optimization

We have done a major refactor on the sampling components to make it easier to implement new graph samplers. Added a new base class dgl.dataloading.Sampler with one abstract method sample for overriding. Added new APIs dgl.set_src_lazy_features, dgl.set_dst_lazy_features, dgl.set_node_lazy_features, dgl.set_edge_lazy_features for customizing prefetching rules. The code below shows the new user experience.

class NeighborSampler(dgl.dataloading.Sampler):
    def __init__(self,
                 fanouts : list[int],
                 prefetch_node_feats: list[str] = None,
                 prefetch_edge_feats: list[str] = None,
                 prefetch_labels: list[str] = None):
        self.fanouts = fanouts
        self.prefetch_node_feats = prefetch_node_feats
        self.prefetch_edge_feats = prefetch_edge_feats
        self.prefetch_labels = prefetch_labels

    def sample(self, g, seed_nodes):
        output_nodes = seed_nodes
        subgs = []
        for fanout in reversed(self.fanouts):
            # Sample a fixed number of neighbors of the current seed nodes.
            sg = g.sample_neighbors(seed_nodes, fanout)
            # Convert this subgraph to a message flow graph.
            sg = dgl.to_block(sg, seed_nodes)
            seed_nodes = sg.srcdata[NID]
            subgs.insert(0, sg)
         input_nodes = seed_nodes
         # handle prefetching
         dgl.set_src_lazy_features(subgs[0], self.prefetch_node_feats)
         dgl.set_dst_lazy_features(subgs[-1], self.prefetch_labels)
         for subg in subgs:
             dgl.set_edge_lazy_features(subg, self.prefetch_edge_feats)

         return input_nodes, output_nodes, subgs

Related documentations:

We thank Xin Yao (@yaox12 ) and Dominique LaSalle (@nv-dlasalle ) from NVIDIA and David Min (@davidmin7 ) from UIUC for their contributions.


DGL-Go is a new command line tool for users to get started with training, using and studying Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Data scientists can quickly apply GNNs to their problems, whereas researchers will find it useful to customize their experiments.

The initial release include

  • Four commands, dgl train, dgl recipe, dgl configure and dgl export.
  • 3 training pipelines for node prediction using full graph training, link prediction using full graph training and node prediction using neighbor sampling.
  • 5 node encoding models: gat, gcn, gin, sage, sgc; 3 edge encoding models: bilinear, dot-product, element-wise.
  • 10 datasets including custom dataset in CSV format.

NN Modules

We have accelerated dgl.nn.RelGraphConv and dgl.nn.HGTConv by up to 36x and 12x compared with the baselines from v0.7 and PyG. Shortened the implementation of dgl.nn.RelGraphConv by 3x (from 200L → 64L).

Breaking change: dgl.nn.RelGraphConv no longer accepts 1-D integer tensor representing node IDs during forward. Please switch to torch.nn.Embedding to explicitly represent trainable node embeddings.

Below are the new NN modules added to v0.8:

A new edge_weight argument is added to several GNN modules to support training on weighted graph. Added a new user guide chapter 5.5 about how to use edge weights in your GNN model.

Graph Dataset and Transforms

Rename the old dgl.transform package to dgl.transforms to follow PyTorch’s namespace convention. All DGL’s datasets now accept an extra transforms keyword argument for data augmentation and transformation:

import dgl
import dgl.transforms as T
t = T.Compose([
dataset =
g = dataset[0]  # graph and features will be transformed automatically

Added 16 graph data transforms module:

Added several dataset utilities:

Model Examples

A major rework of two classical examples:

7 new examples:


GNNLens is an interactive visualization tool for graph neural networks (GNN). It integrates GNN explanation model to analyze and understand graph data. See the repository here:

Distributed Training

  • Allow launching persistent graph server (will not exit even if all training workers have finished) to speed up distributed experiments on the same graph data. See the user guide chapter for more details.
  • Breaking change: separate the data loaders for single-device and distributed training. Passing a DistGraph to dgl.dataloading.NodeDataLoader will cause an error. Please use dgl.dataloading.DistNodeDataLoader instead.
  • Replace the low-level network communicator with pytorch/tensorpipe.
  • dgl.sample_etype_neighbors now works for DistGraph. #3558


Other API Updates

Patch and Bugfixes

  • Fixed an off-by-one bug in GenericRandomWalk(). @erickim555, #3500
  • Cleanup codebase and remove unused third_party dependency.
  • Fixed a device error in the pytorch/MNIST example. @sinhaharsh #3527
  • Improved the speed of PinSAGESampler by fusing several operations. @lixiaobai09, #3529
  • Enable CUDA PinSAGESampler. @lixiaobai09, #3567
  • Fixed GATv2Conv residual for mini-batch. @ksadowski13, #3535
  • Fixed the output dimensions of residual connection for GATv2Conv. @schmidt-ju, #3584
  • Improved for more robust GPU usage. @ayasar70, #3537
  • Fixed the dimension mismatch issue in PinSAGE example. #3539
  • Fixed a bug of GinConv when using in pickle. @lizeyan #3540
  • Fixed a bug in distributed training where improper data splitting causes training hanging. #3542
  • Fixed a bunch of bugs in distributed training. @xcwanAndy #3607
  • Fix a bug in TGN example. #3543
  • Improved building by only rebuilding libxsmm if necessary. #3497
  • Improved the documentation of TUDataset on the order. @sangyx #3549
  • Fixed a bug in distributed SparseAdam optimizer. #3561
  • Fixed a bug in TWIRLS module and example. @FFTYYY #3573
  • Fixed a bug in ndata and edata where lazy copy is triggered unnecessarily. #3585
  • Fixed a bug when using int32 array. @hirayaku, #3597
  • Fixed a bug of KNN graph on TensorFlow.
  • Fixed a bug in to_bidirected where a simple graph is needed. #3630
  • Fixed a compilation bug in parallel_for.h. #3631
  • Fixed a compilation crash related to libuv-devel. #3640
  • Remove the info message of RDFLib and “using backend: xxx” when importing DGL.
  • Dataset dependencies are loaded only when the dataset object is created.
  • Fixed a bug in distributed training of conflicting ports. #3658
  • Improved the CompGCN example. @nxznm #3663
  • Improved the GIN example on reproducibility. @miziha-zp #3676
  • Improved SAGEConv by adding sanity check on aggregator type. @thatlittleboy #3691
  • Fixed a bug in launching multiple DGL programs in parallel. #3696
  • Fix the document of GraphSAGE normalization. @KoyamaSohei, #3711

Breaking Changes & Deprecations

  • DGL now requires PyTorch >= 1.9.0.
  • Building from source now requires compiler with c++14 support.
  • For multi-GPU training, the new strategy is to use shared memory to speedup inter-process communication. Users may sometimes experience a "not enough shared memory" error. If it happens, please increase the shared memory capacity.

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