github diku-dk/futhark v0.25.21

latest releases: nightly, v0.25.22
one month ago


  • Logging now prints more GPU information on context initialisation.

  • GPU cache size can now be configured (tuning param: default_cache).

  • GPU shared memory can now be configured (tuning param: default_shared_memory).

  • GPU register capacity can now be configured.

  • futhark script now accepts a -b option for producing binary


  • Type names for element types of array indexing functions in C
    interface are now often better - although there are still cases
    where you end up with hashed names. (#2172)

  • In some cases, GPU failures would not be reported properly if a
    previous failure was pending.

  • auto output didn't work if the .fut file did not have any path

  • Improved detection of malformed tuning files.

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