github diku-dk/futhark v0.25.14

latest releases: nightly, v0.25.22, v0.25.21...
7 months ago


  • The prelude definition of filter is now more memory efficient,
    particularly when the output is much smaller than the input. (#2109)

  • New configuration for GPU backends:
    futhark_context_config_set_unified_memory, also available on
    executables as --unified-memory.

  • The "raw" API functions now do something potentially useful, but are
    still considered experimental.

  • futhark --version now reports GHC version.


  • Incorrect type checking of let-bound sizes occurring multiple times
    in pattern. (#2103).

  • A concatenation simplification would sometimes mess up sizes.

  • Bug related to monomorphisation of polymorphic local functions

  • Rare crash in short circuiting.

  • Referencing an unbound type parameter could crash the type checker
    (#2113, #2114).

  • Futhark now works with GHC 9.8 (#2105).

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