github diku-dk/futhark v0.22.7

latest releases: nightly, v0.25.22, v0.25.21...
21 months ago


  • futhark literate now supports an :audio directive for producing audio
    files from arrays of i8 (#1810).

  • futhark multicore now parallelises copies (#1799).

  • futhark multicore now uses an allocator that better handles large
    allocations (#1768).


  • Some record field names could cause generation of invalid C API names (#1806).

  • Memory block merging was extremely and unnecessarily slow for
    programs with many entry points.

  • Simplification mistake could lead to out-of-bounds reads (#1808).

  • futhark lsp now handles some bookkeeping messages sent by Eglot.

  • Parser can now handle arbitrarily complex chaining of indexing and

  • Detect and complain about source files without .fut extension (#1813).

  • Overly conservative checking of whether a function parameter is
    allowed by be consumed - it was disallowed if it contained any
    scalars (#1816).

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