github diku-dk/futhark v0.20.7

latest releases: nightly, v0.25.22, v0.25.21...
2 years ago


  • Better exploitation of parallelism in fused nested segmented

  • Prelude function not for negating booleans.


  • Some incorrect removal of copies (#1505).

  • Handling of parametric modules with top-level existentials (#1510).

  • Module substitution fixes (#1512, #1518).

  • Invalid in-place lowering (#1523).

  • Incorrect code generation for some intra-group parallel code versions.

  • Flattening crash in the presence of irregular parallelism (#1525).

  • Incorrect substitution of type abbreviations with hidden sizes (#1531).

  • Proper handling of NaN in min/max functions for
    f16/f32/f64 in interpreter (#1528).

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