github diku-dk/futhark v0.16.3

latest releases: nightly, v0.25.22, v0.25.21...
4 years ago


  • random input blocks for futhark test and futhark bench now
    support floating-point literals, which must always have either an
    f32 or f64 suffix.

  • The cuda backend now supports the -d option for executables.

  • The integer modules now contain a ctz function for counting
    trailing zeroes.


  • The pyopencl backend now works with OpenCL devices that have
    multiple types (most importantly, oclgrind).

  • Fix barrier divergence when generating code for group-level
    colletive copies in GPU backend.

  • Intra-group flattening now looks properly inside of branches.

  • Intra-group flattened code versions are no longer used when the
    resulting workgroups would have less than 32 threads (with default
    thresholds anyway) (#1064).

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