github diku-dk/futhark v0.12.2

latest releases: nightly, v0.25.22, v0.25.21...
4 years ago


  • New tool: futhark autotune, for tuning the threshold parameters
    used by incremental flattening. Based on work by Svend Lund
    Breddam, Simon Rotendahl, and Carl Mathias Graae Larsen.

  • New tool: futhark dataget, for extracting test input data. Most
    will probably never use this.

  • Programs compiled with the cuda backend now take options
    --default-group-size, --default-num-groups, and

  • Segmented reduce_by_index are now substantially fasted for small

  • New functions: f32.lerp and f64.lerp, for linear interpolation.


  • Fixes to aliasing of record updates.

  • Fixed unnecessary array duplicates after coalescing optimisations.

  • reduce_by_index nested in maps will no longer sometimes
    require huge amounts of memory.

  • Source location now correct for unknown infix operators.

  • Function parameters are no longer in scope of themselves (#798).

  • Fixed a nasty out-of-bounds error in handling of irregular allocations.

  • The floor/ceil functions in f32/f64 now handle infinities
    correctly (and are also faster).

  • Using % on floats now computes fmod instead of crashing the compiler.

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