github diggerhq/digger v0.4.3

latest releases: vLatest, latest, v0.5.14...
4 months ago

Note for selfhosted backend upgrading from previous verions

We ar removing GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY and replacing it with GITHUB_APP_PRIVATE_KEY_BASE64 which is the base64 encoded value of the same. If you would like to convert your env variable you can use base64 utility in terminal:

# From PEM file
$ base64 -w0 gh-app-key.pem

# Setting environment variable and echoing (NOTE: Quotation marks around variable - "$myvar" - is important for preserving linebreak characters when echoing)
$ myvar='-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
$ echo "$myvar" | base64 -w0

# setting

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Full Changelog: v0.4.2...v0.4.3

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