github diegodlh/zotero-cita v0.0.1

latest releases: v1.0.0-beta.11, v1.0.0-beta.10, release...
pre-release4 years ago

I can't emphasize enough what an early pre-release this is. Make sure you backup your library and use a separate profile if you want to give it a try (see Readme).

  • Focused on the plugin's citation metadata support module:
    • Adds a Citations tab, where users can add, remove and edit citation metadata;
    • Citations metadata is currently saved in the item’s extra field, but it will soon be moved to note attachments (#13);
    • Citations tab also includes shortcuts to modify source item UUIDs such as DOI, QID and OpenCitations Corpus ID (OCC), as these are helpful for communication with Wikidata and other online suppliers;
    • Placeholder buttons have been included to import, export and sync citations to a variety of sources, both on the item and on the citation level. None of this actions is supported yet, but they will be implemented as the other modules of the plugin are developed.
  • Right now the focus is on Journal Articles (both as source and target items), but support for other types of works is planned (#9).
  • Some stylistic improvements are pending also, including better element alignment on the Citations tab, making the Citation editor window more Zotero-like, etc.
  • And probably many many bugs I haven’t had the time to identify yet, but which I expect to be polishing as development continues.

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