github dherault/serverless-offline v9.2.4

latest releases: v13.8.3, v13.8.2, v14.3.4...
2 years ago

Note: --useChildProcesses has been deprecated and will be removed in the next major version, as it is redundant, has no advantages, and can be replaced with the better option of using worker threads, the current default. It's one less option and less code to maintain. the child process option also originated at a time when worker threads weren't yet available in node.js, and handler reloading in the in-process mode was buggy and leaking memory.

Bug Fixes

Maintenance Improvements

  • destructuring order nit (b44cf07)
  • fix color name, import from utils (ef17e31)
  • move colors to config (2cd3180)
  • move colors to separate file (6a32f29)

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