github dexie/Dexie.js v2.0.0-beta.11
Dexie v2.0.0-beta.11

latest releases: v4.0.0-alpha.4, v3.0.4, v4.0.0-alpha.3...
pre-release6 years ago


  • Fixed bower config to meet best practices (#488) #490

  • Typings (d.ts) correction of Dexie.exists() and Dexie.delete()#497

  • Bubble up QuotaExceededError instead of AbortError: Transaction aborted #514

    Fixes #323

    Rather than throwing Unhandled rejection: AbortError: Transaction aborted when the user is out of disk space, the underlying transaction error (QuotaExceededError) is bubbled up. This allows consumers of the Dexie API to identify QuotaExceededErrors and handle them accordingly.

    NOTE: I used to fill up my hard disk to try this code locally.

  • Update typescript Promise definition #518
    Dexie.Promise typings needed adjustments to compile correctly with tsc > v2.3.

Breaking Change

  • Don't use IndexedDBShim just because it's included #511
    Resolves #342 and #148

    This change is a breaking change (though to the better), since the shim will no more be used on browsers where it's not needed. We need to collect some user feedback about how this affects apps. What we know is that we now go over letting the shim to its job to detect whether it should be applied or not. To be backward compatible, call shimIndexedDB.__useShim(); before including dexie.

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