github devtron-labs/devtron v0.6.0

latest releases: v1.1.0, v1.0.1, v1.0.0...
2 years ago

= = = = = IMPORTANT = = = = =


Contact Devtron team on DISCORD if you have any concerns.

Release Notes 0.6.0

This release is all about Devtron integrations. We have done a major overhaul in how devtron manages various integrations and have made it easier for you to manage the usage of these integrations along with a few improvements and some bug fixes..

Integrations in Devtron Stack Manager

We have broken down the Devtron stack into various smaller integrations. Previously integrations were installed and managed by Devtron operator (inception), now they are installed and managed by the Helm chart.

GitOps (Argo CD)

Devtron integrates deeply with ArgoCD to implement GitOps for continuous delivery. Argo CD follows the GitOps pattern of using Git repositories as the source of truth for defining the desired application state in target Kubernetes cluster

Vulnerability Scanning (Clair)

With Clair integration, you can scan Devtron for static analysis of vulnerabilities in your application containers and their components to identify any potential threats.

Monitoring (Grafana)

Integrating Grafana allows you to view and monitor metrics like CPU, memory, status codes, throughput, and latency for your Devtron application.


With Notifications integration, you can receive alerts for build and deployment pipelines on trigger, success, and failure events from Devtron

Blob storage Configurations

Devtron now lets you configure various blob storages for storing logs and cache, you can even switch between these if you decide to.

AWS S3 Credentials:

You can configure AWS S3 Bucket using access-key and secret-key as credentials for AWS S3 authentication.

AWS S3 Compatibility:

You can now configure your Devtron environment using S3 compatible storages, which allows you to access and manage your data over an S3 compliant interface.

Azure Blob Storage (Artifact):

Configuring Azure Blob Storage on your Devtron environment allows you to download artifact reports during pre/post build and deployment stages, apart from storing build logs and cache.

Google Cloud Storage:

You can configure Devtron with Google Cloud Storage with GCP credentials for Google Cloud Storage authentication.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the page on the Deployment Groups breaks while clicking “Show Source Info”

  • Fixed a bug where Pre-Post CI stages are missed during the manual app creation of FETCH and POST APIs.

  • Fixed a bug for validation of namespace and environment.

  • [bug] Bug: Filters Outer Click is not working #2369

  • [bug] Bug: Multiple CSS #2363

  • [bug] Bug: user fetch list does not supports managers access provided by groups #2357

  • [bug] Bug: Security Policy App Level Issue #2349

  • [bug] Bug: Security Policy Failing On application level #2340

  • [closed] Dex changes - configuration moves from argocd to devtron #2330

  • [Task][testing] Automation of 4 APIs of ApiTokenRouter #2327

  • [closed] Navigation bug on refresh #2324

  • [bug] 🐛 Bug Report: Guided onboarding navigation #2316

  • [closed] Unable to add cluster while we using no gitops #2315

  • [closed] UX ONLY: Experience when Blob storage minIO is not configured #2309

  • [enhancement] Tag based pipeline fails for Gitlab #2302

  • [bug] Deployment groups: Page breaks on clicking on Show source info #2300

  • [closed] UI/UX issues on dashboard #2298

  • [closed] Testing of Minio Module integration #2297

  • [closed] Support Minio module as integration #2296

  • [closed] Testing of Security module integration #2295

  • [closed] Support Security module as integration #2294

  • [closed] Support Argocd module as integration #2293

  • [enhancement] [Apps/Users/Groups] Export metadata to CSV Backend API #2287

  • [bug] The format of time stamp showing wrong for slack notification #2284

  • [enhancement] Make auth check configurable for Team/Env autocomplete APIs #2283

  • [closed] Terminal Multiple Bugs related to Multiple Container: Error messaging #2280

  • [closed] Terminal Multiple Bugs related to internet #2279

  • [Task][testing] Automation of 4 APIs of PipelineConfigRouter #2278

  • [enhancement] [Apps/Users/Groups] Export metadata to CSV #2272

  • [closed] Testing of acd-integration as module #2267

  • [closed] argo-cd module integration in devtron-orchestrator #2266

  • [enhancement] Blob Storage Integration #2265

  • [Task][testing] Automation of 5 APIs of PipelineConfigRouter #2262

  • [bug] Delete Override is not showing for external secret #2255

  • [enhancement] Labels/TAGS to help user identify apps in their basis #2252

  • [enhancement] UX Only: Rollback to the previous version #2249

  • [enhancement] UX ONLY: Export Apps/User/Groups/Permission to CSV #2248

  • [enhancement] AppDetails - Container level external links discovery #2243

  • [bug] AppDetail - Multiple container headers are showing in K8s resources #2242

  • [enhancement] Delete confirmation for CM and Secret #2238

  • [closed] Replace full mode checks of gitops checks with gitops module check #2237

  • [closed] Auth via devtron dex - On CICD Integration and Central API new integrations #2230

  • [enhancement] Posthog Event in Guided onboarding #2228

  • [enhancement] UX ONLY: "Devops in a Box" website update #2222

  • [closed] Chart store v2 changes #2221

  • [enhancement] Guided Onboarding: tippy handling & Listing page #2213

  • [closed] Orchestrator should be up and running without argo-cd #2207

  • [closed] Design Integration system #2206

  • [enhancement] UserAttributes Data Entity Creation #2198

  • [bug] if Value of "ENFORCER_MAX_BATCH_SIZE" in orchestrator config-map is more than 1 than we don't get complete data in some cases #2189

  • [enhancement] UX ONLY: Changes and messaging corresponding to Modularization #2187

  • [enhancement] Store Dex config in a secret #2177

  • [bug] Deployment History - Getting failed to load view after clicking back #2176

  • [bug] AppDetails - Expanded node details collapse when data gets refreshed #2174

  • [enhancement] Add ESO (External Secret Operator) #2169

  • [enhancement] Deployment Template - Ability to compare templates #2129

  • [enhancement] Merge Deployment template & AppMetrics create/update apis #2128

  • [closed] Manager is able to delete superadmin user #2125

  • [enhancement] UX only: Add ESO (External Secret Operator) #2102

  • [enhancement] App Creation ( incl. ci-cd pipeline) API #2045

  • [enhancement][To be prioritized] Global CSS Standarization #2036

  • [enhancement] Sample application creation #2035

  • [enhancement] Preset container registry #2034

  • [bug] SES Configuration not working for notifications #2030

  • [closed] popup remains exist after the deletion of Environment #2015

  • [bug] [UI][Chart-store Search]We are hitting wrong URL of API on search functionality of chart-store #1984

  • [enhancement] Guided Onboarding #1972

  • [enhancement] UX ONLY: Deployment template revisit and enhancement #1962

  • [enhancement] Kubernetes ExternalSecret support in 4.13.0 #1892

  • [enhancement] Stack manager - GitOps module support #1885

  • [enhancement] Skipping installation of Argocd if argocd module in not enabled (Installer) #1883

  • [bug] Secret and CM showing duplication while we override #1882

  • [bug] Data validation Error while enable and disable Chart Repository #1879

  • [closed] Chart store Repository Filter selection is Unstable #1875

  • [enhancement] Validate branch name with regex before updating CI-Pipeline #1854

  • [enhancement] Create CI-Pipeline will take regex input #1853

  • [enhancement] Need deployer username and timestamp variables in post-deployment of Devtron Template #1849

  • [enhancement][Task] DB changes to enforce deployment on stage env(pre-prod) first before production #1808

  • [enhancement] Automation of Gitops configured, suggest ci name #1793

  • [closed] Application Catalog #1723

  • [enhancement] UX: Website changes to align messaging #1707

  • [enhancement] Notification dashboard Takes lots of time to load applications. #1697

  • [enhancement] Upgrade Postgres client version to latest in all microservices #1657

  • [bug][To be prioritized] artifact download is not working for any blob storage except s3 #1656

  • [enhancement] Modules Integrations Installer - Handler modifications #1651

  • [enhancement] CICD using Helm without gitops integration + testing (Installer) #1650

  • [closed] Feature based offering in orchestrator on application startup instead of multiple builds #1649

  • [Spike] [SPIKE] Figure out feature flag implementation for FE and BE #1627

  • [closed] [Hyperion] Use new AppDetails page for Devtron Apps (Testing)#1395 #1576

  • [bug] Select text is misplaced in select material of trigger page. #1521

  • [bug] update environment window doesn't move away on deleting environment #1508

  • [enhancement][critical] Allow creation of service accounts via Devtron charts #1499

  • [bug] Deployment history page gets Auto refreshed in Logs window. #1461

  • [enhancement] Customise devtron-ci pods #1455

  • [bug] External secret Issue #1442

  • [enhancement] Automation of "LinkToChartStore" API #1432

  • [enhancement] Hide sample app suggestion box when more than 1 app already exists #1317

  • [closed] [Chart Repositories]"Add repository" Button should disable until we save or cancel the repo information #1305

  • [enhancement] Expose Argo CDR: Workflow #1275

  • [enhancement][critical] FEAT: Make Container registries override-able at ENV level. #1241

  • [Spike] Github authenticator for the token #1104

  • [bug] FIX: Broken links of Docs in Dashboard #1089

  • [enhancement] Drop down apis for applications and environments #1043

  • [bug] Switching Logs to Terminal access doesn't works #1031

  • [bug] Unable to setup GitOps in Minikube #942

  • [enhancement] Upgrade argocd version, it's still running on v1.8.1 #924

  • [enhancement] Static code analysis via Devtron #914

  • [bug] App details page shows wrong user in deployed by section #845

  • [enhancement] Upgrade the Issue Template to use GitHub Issue forms 📜 #831

  • [enhancement] Embedding DevtronCD UI in an app #767

  • [enhancement] Remove dependency on Chart Museum #743

  • [bug] Dashboard does not load sometimes #722

  • [bug] Resource tree responses for pods and its meta data need to optimize and fix for in case multiple kind. #691

  • [closed] [FEATURE] Support for Google Container Registry #683

  • [enhancement] Hibernate filter not available #647

  • [bug] Charts with latest version numbers with alpha numeric postfix fail to get displayed #640

  • [closed] How to remove a cluster from Global configurations/Clusters and Environments #622

  • [enhancement] Need an option to remove git materials. #603

  • [enhancement] Ability to configure basepath #577

  • [enhancement] Auth to be made independent of argocd #572

  • [enhancement] Security policy management #570

  • [bug] Disabling TargetMemoryUtilizationPercentage does not disable memory based autoscaling #561

  • [enhancement] Support for adding the "Host" entry when deploying Ingress using the operator. #534

  • [bug] Argocd CM update error on Gitops operations #523

  • [enhancement] Remove image related inconsistencies from devtron reference charts #509

  • [enhancement] Trigger job to fetch and update charts as soon as a new helm repo is added #508

  • [enhancement] Schedule pipeline based on cron #452

  • [closed] devtron-graphana-test status shows error #427

  • [closed] Deployment Status on app Detail #406

  • [bug] Cluster creation abrupt from refresh interval #382

  • [closed] "repository already exists" on chart install #323

  • [documentation] Doc: Sample app deployment #317

  • [documentation] Doc: Relook cleanup commands #300

  • [closed] FR: Version controlled Configmaps #292

  • [closed] Host URL shows error icon in Global config even if field is empty #290

  • [closed] devtron installation fails silently when data inside secret is not base64 encoded #258

  • [closed] Commandbar visibility #216

  • [closed] terminal connecting status #193

  • [closed] Add trigger details in workflow list API #126

  • [closed] values yaml indentation #119

  • [enhancement][Epic] devtron monitoring #42

  • [duplicate][enhancement] test report UI #36

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