- [bug] Manual trigger not working for PR based builds in Azure DevOps #1622
- [enhancement] Update email info in gitops commit/push actions #1608
- [bug] Chart update failed, Gitops repo not found #1599
- [bug] [bug]: Fix the number of materials in the Deploy drawer (Postgres throttling) #1593
- [bug] Dropdown is not visible for container in pods #1575
- [closed] [Devtron] Integration testing of #1532 #1553
- [enhancement] Devtron 2.0 e2e testing. #1551
- [closed] [Devtron] Modularisation approach MVP v1 #1532
- [enhancement][UX] UX: Modules #1496
- [bug] New Pods are showing under OLD Pods section in App Details page along with filtering Workflow events #1436
- [enhancement][UX] UX: Performing additional tasks using Devtron CI #1225
- [bug][enhancement] Update clair : image scanning not working #1119
- [UX] UX: Allow user to change branch before triggering a build from the trigger page #1077