- New: eleventy (#413)
- New: sqlalchemy (#426)
- New: microsoftsqlserver (#427)
- New: kubernetes (#424)
- New: rocksdb (#423)
- New: googlecloud (#428)
- New: objectivec (#425)
- New: uwsgi (#462)
- New: xd (#81)
- New: firebase (#461)
- New: flask (#463)
- New: appwrite (#371)
- Workflow: Added check script for the icons and fix icons with fill or viewBox issues (#460)
- Documentation: Updated contribution guidelines and organisational requirements (#470)
- Wofklow: Added working workflows that has commenting on forked repo's PR (#481)
Thanks to all contributors for this release @tylensthilaire @EnisMulic @Th1nkK1D @eldadfux @Thomas-Boi