github deviantony/docker-elk 8.2212.1

latest releases: 8.2402.1, 8.2305.1, 8.2302.1...
19 months ago

Default Elastic version: 8.5.2

See version selection to run a different version.

Notable changes

  • Beats extensions no longer authenticate as the elastic superuser to send data to Elasticsearch. Instead, passwords for the filebeat_internal, metricbeat_internal and heartbeat_internal users (inactive by default) must be set respectively in the .env file.
  • Monitoring of Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana is enabled by default via the Metricbeat extension. A password for the monitoring_internal user (inactive by default) must be set in the .env file for this to work.
  • Self-monitoring is enabled by default in all Beats extensions. A password for the beat_system user (inactive by default) must be set in the .env file for this to work.
  • Instructions for re-executing the setup were added. This allows resetting passwords to the values defined in the .env file, and forcing the creation of missing internal users and roles.
  • It is no longer required to rebuild the image of the setup container when switching between the main and tls branches.


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