github develsoftware/GMinerRelease 3.21

latest releases: 3.44, 3.43, 3.42...
18 months ago
  • supports ZIL mining via ZMP protocol: single (can be combined with KASPA mining), dual (with any supported algorithm: ETC+ZIL, ERGO+ZIL, KASPA+ZIL, RVN+ZIL, CTXC+ZIL, BTG+ZIL, ...) and triple mining mode (ETC+KASPA+ZIL / ERGO+KASPA+ZIL). to enable dual/triple ZIL mining you need specify ZIL server and ZIL wallet via --zilserver and --ziluser parameters, you may specify multiple ZIL servers (failover servers). check sample .bat/.sh files in miner archive
  • improved miner stability

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