github developit/htm 2.0.0

latest releases: 3.1.1, 3.1.0, babel-plugin-transform-jsx-to-htm-v2.2.0...
5 years ago

🎉 HTM 2.0 is here!

We've rebuilt HTM from the ground up for performance and size, with a brand new custom JSX parser.

What does that mean for you?

  • HTM is now 20 times faster
  • ... and 10% smaller
  • ... and runs anywhere (native SSR!)
  • the syntax is now as close as possible to JSX
  • 20% faster caching
  • more optimized output

Welcome Joachim!

HTM has a new core contributor, @jviide. His incredible work made this release possible.
You can find him tweeting about crazy networking stuff.

Babel Plugin, too!

The Babel plugin got an overhaul too! It's 1-2 orders of magnitude faster, no longer requires JSDOM, and has new options to customize output.

This update also fixes a number of issues relating to caching, edge cases and whitespace handling.

New Syntax?

Yes, but don't worry. Now when you're writing HTM, you're basically writing JSX.
There are only two things you have to remember:

  1. components like <Foo> are written as <${Foo}>
  2. fields like {a} are written as ${a}

Everything else is the same as JSX.

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