github descope/node-sdk release/v1.7.1

19 hours ago

Breaking changes

  • Descope errors object import: To support better, more scalable, error handling - we've changed Descope errors to be a constant on the named error.
    This means that instead of:
    import { SdkResponse, descopeErrors } from '@descope/node-sdk';
    It needs to be imported as following:
    import DescopeClient, { SdkResponse } from '@descope/node-sdk'; const { DescopeErrors } = DescopeClient;
  • Self-service SSO configuration link: Up until now, the GenerateSSOConfigurationLink command generated a link to the project's sso-config flow. Now that the SSO Setup Suite is out - the link that's generated will be for the suite.


  • Multi-SSO support in tenants: In order to support multi-SSO tenants, and extra configuration of the ssoId parameter has been added to SSO related functions such as GenerateSSOConfigurationLink.
  • SSO Setup Suite configurations: We added extra configuration parameters when generating an S4 link, including email and templateId.
  • Search users by dates: An option to filter user searches based on their creation time or modified time, using the SearchRequest object.
  • Anonymous user creation via management SDK: Just like our option to generate an impersonated JWT, we added the option to generate an anonymous user's JWT. Read more about anonymous users in our documentation.
  • Configurable expiration time of JWT: We added support to configure the JWT's expiration time, using the JWT's update function.
  • TOTP seed deletion via management SDK: The function removeTOTPSeed supports removing a TOTP seed for a specific user, based on their login ID.
  • ReBAC relationship checker: We added a new function whatCanTargetAccessWithRelation to check what resources a user has access, per the application's ReBAC schema. Search is recursive.
  • README enhancements: Tiny adjustments to our README, to provide better examples.

Bug fixes

  • Access key exchange fix: We had an edge case in which the access key exchange of the SDK wouldn't always work. We added another configuration to make sure that we handle it properly.

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