github derailed/k9s v0.24.2

latest releases: v0.32.4, v0.32.3, v0.32.2...
3 years ago

Release v0.24.2


Thank you to all that contributed with flushing out issues and enhancements for K9s! I'll try to mark some of these issues as fixed. But if you don't mind grab the latest rev and see if we're happier with some of the fixes! If you've filed an issue please help me verify and close. Your support, kindness and awesome suggestions to make K9s better are as ever very much noted and appreciated!

If you feel K9s is helping your Kubernetes journey, please consider joining our sponsorhip program and/or make some noise on social! @kitesurfer

On Slack? Please join us K9slackers

♫ Sounds Behind The Release ♭

A Word From Our Sponsors...

I would like to extend a Big Thank You to the following generous K9s friends for joining our sponsorship program and supporting this project!

Our Release Heroes

Major ATTA BOY/GIRL! in full effect this week to the good folks below for their efforts and contributions in making sure K9s is better for all of us!

She Can't Take Much More Capt'n!!


Thanks to all of you for supporting K9s and being avid fans. I am truly humbled and amazed by your continued kindness and support!! As we're nearing K9s second anniversary, the project has reached over 10k stars and 384k downloads! That said, while these numbers sound stunning, there is another number on this project that is not so and that is number of sponsors 😿.

There Are Some That Call Me... Alpha?

I'd like to introduce a new member of the K9s pack, the main dog, aka k9sAlpha. This is going to be a licensed version of K9s. The current plan is to offer a tiered license scheme starting at $10/month. K9s𝞪 will provide fixes, enhancements, further integrations and a bunch of new features that have been sitting in the back burner...

So what does this entail?

  1. The current k9s branch will be in feature freeze
  2. K9s𝞪 users will need to purchase a license from our store
  3. Active sponsors and contributors will get a K9s𝞪 license
  4. Documentation, binaries, issue trackers, will be provisioned under a new K9s𝞪 site

Given any license schemes are meant to be hacked/broken, we're not going to over complicate things with call out to license servers and such to ensure the keys are legit. The current plan is to email out your license keys and trusting our Gentlemen Agreement that you will not share or distribute your keys to other folks.

In the current economic climate, if you can't afford a K9s𝞪 license, we will provide you one on a case by case basis.

The process should be simple:

  1. Acquire a license
  2. Get a key via email
  3. Store your key somewhere on disk
  4. Download the K9s𝞪 binary
  5. Administer your Kubernetes clusters with K9s𝞪
  6. Rinse and repeat when your license expires

K9s𝞪 Needs You!

To this end, I'd like to enlist a few of you to help me validate license keys, K9s𝞪 store and site to ensure the flow well... flows!
If you are so inclined, please reach out for your shoe-phones and send me an email with why you want to participate. Folks with K9s chops in multi clusters env would be preferred. It should not take too much of your time to ensure all is cool, but want to make sure I have at least another 5 pairs of eyes to help out with the K9s𝞪 drop. My hope is to get an initial K9s𝞪 revision dropped before Santa comes around...

Pipe In!

By all means, this is a democracy and not a dictatorship! So... if you have better/other ideas or concerns please pipe in! Open an issue on the repo so we can track, discuss, opiniate and figure out the best course of action that will be fair to both K9s maintainers and users alike.

Resolved Issues/Features

  • Issue #972 Memory Limit percentages in pod view counts containers without limits.

Resolved PRs

  • PR #982 Fix typo
  • PR #976 Add OneDark color theme
  • PR #975 Handling non json lines as raw with red color
  • PR #968 Disable filtering on help screen ... and broke the build ;)
  • PR #960 Handle empty port list in PortForward view

© 2020 Imhotep Software LLC. All materials licensed under Apache v2.0

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