github demisto/demisto-sdk v1.32.4

2 days ago


  • The following commands will be deprecated and removed entirely in the next SDK release in two weeks: convert, create-content-artifacts, create-id-set, extract-code and lint.
  • Moved CJ102 to the new validate format. The validation's error number is now BA103 and it ensure that the tests section is either a non-empty list or "No tests".


  • Fixed an issue where getting a malformed file raised an non-indicative error.
  • Fixed an issue where the validate and create-id-set commands would fail to process correctly when encountering null values in the filters or transformers fields.


  • Moved RN113 to the new validate format. The validation ensures that all the first level headers in the release note are valid content types.
  • Moved RN115 to the new validate format. The validation ensure that the release notes first level headers are valid.

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