github demisto/content 18.10.0
Demisto Content Release Notes for version 18.10.0 (13017)

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Demisto Content Release Notes for version 18.10.0 (13017)

Published on 02 October 2018


2 New Integrations

  • Microsoft Graph
    Unified gateway to security insights - all from a unified Microsoft Graph Security API.
  • RSA NetWitness Endpoint
    Monitor and collect activity across all of your endpoints, on and off your network.

9 Improved Integrations

  • AWS - EC2
    • Added the aws-ec2-get-password-data command.
    • Fixed several bugs.
  • FalconHost
    Fixed support for the Trust any certificate checkbox.
  • Cybereason
    Improved fetch incidents implementation.
  • FireEye HX
    Fix fetch events to handle empty results.
  • McAfee Advanced Threat Defense
    The integration is now written in Python.
  • Rapid7 Nexpose
    When site scanning, you can now scan all assets within the site.
  • ServiceNow
    Added an option to get ticket attachments (get command, fetch incidents) and additional outputs.
  • SplunkPy
    Added support for UTF8 encoding for search.
  • McAfee ePO
    Added outputs and error messages.


1 New Script

  • PortListenCheck
    Checks whether a port was opened on a specific host.

2 Improved Scripts

  • D2O365ComplianceSearch
    Better error handling in PS script run.
  • D2O365SearchAndDelete
    Better error handling in PS script run.

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