github decred/dcrd release-v2.0.3
dcrd v2.0.3

8 days ago

dcrd v2.0.3 Release Notes

This is a patch release of dcrd which includes the following changes:

  • Improved sender privacy for transactions and mix messages via randomized announcements
  • Nodes now prefer to maintain at least three mixing-capable outbound connections
  • Recent transactions and mix messages will now be available to serve for longer
  • Reduced memory usage during periods of lower activity
  • Mixing-related performance enhancements


This patch release consists of 26 commits from 2 contributors which total to 37 files changed, 4527 additional lines of code, and 499 deleted lines of code.

All commits since the last release may be viewed on GitHub here.

Protocol and network:

Mixing message relay (mix pool):


Developer-related package and module changes:

Developer-related module management:


Code Contributors (alphabetical order):

  • Dave Collins
  • Josh Rickmar

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