github decompil3d/lovelace-hourly-weather 5.0.0

latest releases: 6.4.0, 6.3.0, 6.2.0...
15 months ago

What's Changed


  • Allow any positive integer for label_spacing and num_segments by @gonzalezjj in #476

In version 5.x, the DOM structure of the weather bar and its labels was changed to allow for odd-numbered segment counts and label spacing. Labels now appear centered with the segment they are representing, and the first label shown on the bar represents the first segment of data where in prior versions labels would begin at the second segment.

Rest assured, your card is still showing the same amount of time and starts/ends at the same time. The labels have just moved.

This change may cause some custom CSS to break. If you have custom CSS, you may need to adjust it to account for the new structure.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 4.14.0...5.0.0

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