github decaf-dev/obsidian-dataloom 8.13.0

latest releases: 8.16.1, 8.16.0, 8.15.12...
7 months ago


  • display hyperlink instead of "URL not supported" in embed cell
  • add right click to copy value on all cells
  • replace all undo/redo logic with jsondiffpatch


  • fix sorting by file being inconsistent #796
  • fix crash when loading frontmatter data #860
  • fix checkbox not saving in Obsidian format (true/false) #851
  • fix wiki links not updating when a folder or file is renamed


  • store path information in variables for FileCell and EmbedCell instead of in a wiki link string
  • add individual typescript types for each cell


  • use either createLoomState for basic tests or createGenericLoomState for complex tests

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