github decaf-dev/obsidian-dataloom 3.0.0

latest releases: 8.16.1, 8.16.0, 8.15.12...
2 years ago

WARNING: This release introduces breaking changes into the NLT Tables plugin.

Please update to the new table format. See the for more details.

  • Updated validators, app data, and other functions to support new table format consisting of a type definition row, a column id row, and then a row id column to the side
  • Updated findTableRegex to be more robust. (It was potentially replacing table-like in notes before)
  • Added debounce to handleWidthChange. The app will now save only after 1s has passed between width changes.
  • Fixed #127. Various bugs with insertion, sorting, tags, and settings were fixed by implementing this new system
  • Fixed bug where live preview and reading mode tables tag were out of sync
  • Did a huge refactoring of services into distinct modules

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