github ddev/ddev v1.15.3
v1.15.3: Yet another bug-fix for Xdebug

latest releases: v1.23.1, v1.23.0, v1.23.0-rc2...
3 years ago

DDEV-Local v1.15.3 is a bug-fix release, all the important changes are in v1.15.0 , which has lots of reading for you.

All that actually changes here is fixing yet another regression with PHPStorm and Xdebug, this time breaking command-line debugging with PhpStorm.

To do command-line debugging with ddev, please use ddev ssh and then do whatever you want. Of course there must be a "Server" (mapping) in PHPStorm with the same name as the PHP_IDE_CONFIG contains (the default hostname, like


See the installation instructions for details, but it's easy:

  • Please stop all projects first, this does no harm: ddev poweroff
  • If you have custom configuration, especially pinned image specifications in your .ddev/config.yaml, please remove it for now.
  • macOS Homebrew and Linux Linuxbrew: brew tap drud/ddev && brew install ddev or just brew upgrade ddev ). (You may need a brew update for homebrew to find the new release.)
  • Windows: Use choco upgrade -y ddev , or download the ddev_windows_installer below. Note that the Windows installer is not needed or used for WSL2 installs.
  • And anywhere, you can just download the tarball or zipball, untar or unzip it, and place the executable in your path where it belongs.

Key issues fixed in v1.15.3

  • Xdebug and PHPStorm work both on web debugging and command-line debugging
  • ddev-live pull deletes backups it creates after they're downloaded, to avoid quota trouble

Commits since v1.15.2

82434c1 Make PHP_IDE_CONFIG work with PHPStorm for both command-line and web debugging (#2427)
babae73 DDEV-Live needs to delete its backups after pulling to avoid quota trouble (#2428)

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