github ddev/ddev v1.13.2
v1.13.2: Fix inappropriate use of upstream PHP config change

latest releases: v1.23.0, v1.23.0-rc2, v1.23.0-rc1...
4 years ago

This release won't matter to you unless you use webimage_extra_packages or custom Dockerfiles. There was a change in the upstream packaging of PHP (which is used when you add a package of course), which broke the container's PHP setup. It was also DDEV's fault for allowing the new configuration to take place.

Otherwise this is the same as v1.3.0, please read the v1.13.0 release notes.


See the installation instructions for details, but it's easy:

  • If you are on Windows and use nfs_mount_enabled, please stop nfsd first: sudo nssm stop nfsd. After installation you'll want to sudo nssm start nfsd again.
  • Please stop all projects first, this does no harm: ddev poweroff
  • If you have custom configuration, especially pinned image specifications in your .ddev/config.yaml, please remove it for now.
  • macOS Homebrew and Linux Linuxbrew: brew install ddev or ddev poweroff && brew upgrade ddev ). (You may need a brew update for homebrew to find the new release. If you don't already have the ddev tap, brew tap drud/ddev first)
  • Windows: Use ddev poweroff && choco upgrade ddev, or download the ddev_windows_installer below.
  • And anywhere, you can just download the tarball or zipball, untar or unzip it, and place the executable in your path where it belongs.

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