github ddev/ddev v0.15.0
v0.15.0: Config override, improved logs, faster startup, Docroot detection

latest releases: v1.23.0, v1.23.0-rc2, v1.23.0-rc1...
6 years ago


See the instructions but it's easy: macOS Homebrew: brew upgrade ddev. Linux or macOS via script: curl | bash. Or anywhere, including Windows, by just downloading the tarball or zipball and placing the executable in your path where it belongs.

Important Issues

To take full advantage of this release with an existing project, please

  • Delete the .ddev/docker-compose.yaml (it will be recreated on start)
  • Delete the "webimage" and "dbimage" lines in .ddev/config.yaml (or delete the whole file if you have no customizations)
  • Use ddev config to update the project's image list
  • ddev start to recreate the containers.

Important: Use docker 17.09 or 18.03 until a fix comes out:

As of 9 March 2018, the latest stable docker version (17.12) hangs regularly when using docker-compose and bind-mounted filesystems. The docker issue is moby/moby#35933. As a result, we're using 17.09 or 18.03 (edge) exclusively until this can be solved by the docker project.

Key changes in v0.15.0


9dd6087 Fix utf8 instructions (#721)
7c00825 Documentation text review (#688)
b05d655 Allow override of mysql and php configuration, fixes #654 (#707)
1f8c2cb Adjusted the TYPO3 quickstart section (#712)
ed3355d Change "app" and "application" to "project" in user-facing docs/output, fixes #526 (#686)
90bbed5 Add Config docroot detection, fixes #663 (#678)
1a43eef Don't remove settings.local.php when removing database, fixes #478 (#695)
fb15507 Document how to upgrade ddev, fixes #699 (#700)
e961cd2 Switch restart to 'no' for all containers, fixes #676 (#708)
9798689 Add ddevapp tests for drupal6, backdrop, TYPO3, fixes #617 Pull on 2018-03-6 #TRIVIALREVIEW (#671)
020912b Add info about /Users/rfay/go and our containers (#703)
f750bdb Add Linux xdebug instructions, fixes #610 (#685)

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