github dcm4che/dcm4chee-arc-light 5.33.1

15 hours ago


  • Accept Label Map Segmentation and Height Map Segmentation by default configuration #4572
  • Simplify query for Studies for deletion on cache storage used by multiple permanent storages #4573
  • Avoid use of uncommon expression for ENV parameter expansion in in archive docker image #4577
  • UI Navigation tabs : Unify ID and issuer fields' widgets across navigation tabs for Accession Number with Issuer and Admission ID with Issuer query filters #4580
  • Trigger deletion of objects of studies from storage system by exceeding of configured disk usage threshold #4584
  • Extend RESTful service to list configured Storage Systems to return configured Deleter Thresholds of Max Usable Space and current used disk space #4585
  • HL7 Patient Merge Messages : Optionally allow inverse merging of patient records if clients send duplicated ADT^A40 patient merge messages repeatedly, just reversing the patient identifier values in PID / MRG segments #4589
  • docker image 'dcm4che/rm-wildfly-logs' to provide a cron service for daily deletion of Wildfly server log files #4593
  • HL7 Procedure Status Update Notifications : Prefer DICOM attributes dataset values over default configured values for populating Accession No. / Requested Proc. ID / Placer No & Seq / Filler No & Seq #4609
  • Use org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect instead of deprecated org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect #4613
  • Enable to masquerade the remote AET in initiated Associations dependend on the remote AET #4616
  • Optionaly check if a specified file on the storage file system exists as test for the (local) accessibility of the mounted (remote) file system #4619
  • Optionally feed MWL C-FIND SCP by the content of the UPS DB table, intiated by dicomWeb Worklist Service (UPS-RS) #4620
  • PostgresSQL default join_collapse_limit=8 causes sub-optimal performance of queries with many joins #4621
  • Keycloak docker image: Provide customized login theme j4care derived from build-in login theme keycloak.v2 #4623
  • Keycloak docker image; Avoid use of deprecated Envirionment Variables for setup of the initial admin user #4624
  • Prevent Studies from staying in status "deletion in progress" on incomplete study deletion #4625
  • HL7 Service: Suppress Patient Updates by HL7 Messages of specified types #4626

Bug Fixes

  • UI: Monitoring / Storage commitments -> Flush Before fails with 400 Bad Request #4261
  • HL7Exception thrown on receive of ORU messages if HL7 ORU Actions is not configured #4575
  • Forwarding of large HL7 messages fails with ' filter status: REJECTED' #4576
  • Patient attributes contain ~ in Patient Telecom Information, Patient Telephone numbers on receive of HL7 messages #4578
  • UI Monitoring - Storage Commitment : Updated before is forced to be set on using Flush before #4582
  • UI: Navigation - Studies : Permanent Delete fails with 400 Bad Request if rejected before date field is set #4583
  • QIDO-RS Search for Studies : Multiple records returned if PatientID used in query filter, wherein patient record has same PatientID value on root dataset as well as in items of Other Patient IDs Sequence, but has differing issuers #4587
  • Security Alert audits triggered by Software Configuration changes contain additional unchanged Coercions / Storage Descriptor config changes info #4601
  • HL7 Orders to MWL - General Order Message : ORC.7.4 mapping to Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date Time in XSL broken #4612
  • Search / Count MWLs using REST : MWLWorklistLabel configuration on (tenant specific) WORKLIST AE not effective #4618
  • Add missing dependencies in jboss modules for org.apache.commons.csv and org.apache.commons.compress #4627
  • Outgoing HL7 notification fails for empty Patient Address value sent in incoming PID.11 just with component limiters #4630


  • Upgrade OAuth2 Proxy docker image to v7.7.1 #4581
  • Upgrade Wildfly to 34.0.0.Final #4590
  • Archive Docker Image: use amazoncorretto:21.0.5-al2023 instead of eclipse-temurin:21.0.4_7-jdk as base image #4598
  • Keycloak docker image: Upgrade to Keycloak.X 26.0.6 #4605
  • Upgrade Keycloak Admin Client in archive docker image to 25.0.6 #4606
  • Keycloak Docker Image: use amazoncorretto:21.0.5-al2023 instead of eclipse-temurin:21.0.4_7-jdk as base image #4607
  • Upgrade Apache jclouds to 2.6.0 #4614
  • Upgrade Postgres DB docker image to 17.1 #4617


  • UI Configuration : Remove unused UI Device URL configs, related code from JSON / LDAP serialization #4574

Binary Distribution Packages

Remarks on upgrading from previous version

  • #4621 will only get applied on new initialized DB instances. On existing one you will have to edit mapped out /var/lib/postgresql/data/postgresql.conf
    #from_collapse_limit = 8
    #join_collapse_limit = 8
    from_collapse_limit = 16
    join_collapse_limit = 16
  • #4623 will only get applied on new initialized Keycloak instances. On existing one you have to manually select the j4care theme on upgrade from previous version using the Keycloak admin console:

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